Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Creative Wedding Photography Concepts

By Bernard Gray

We are living in a more and more difficult society and most brides need their wedding to be one that is talked about for many years to come. Weddings have nearly become a kind of competition among some brides to guarantee theirs is the most important, the brightest, the most original wedding in their circle of loved ones. One of the increasingly favored ways to inject some individuality into a wedding is through unique and creative wedding photography.

Your wedding photographer will be very pleased to provide you with some ideas and creative concepts to make your pictures unique, but do not be frightened to input your own concepts too. Brides can become anxious about appearing pushy, but at the end of the day, you are employing the snapper and there is a enormous difference between asking for what you want and telling her the simplest way to do their job. A good photographer should be happy to listen to your concepts and even suggest paths to implement or improve them.

Some concepts to consider include incorporating past-times and interests into your wedding footage. If you like roller skating together, why don't you consider one or two shots of you roller skating in your wedding clothes. If you're from a farming or country background, a wacky shot of the bride hiking up her dress to reveal muddy Wellington boots can be a serious amount of fun.

It is also sweet to include props from everyday life or occupation. If the groom is a cop, have some mugshot style pictures taken. The possibilities are huge and can truly help put your mark on your footage.

Meet with your snapper ahead of time and tell her or him everything about you both so they can offer some creative ideas for props and poses. If your concepts aren't feasible on the day, consider an extra bridal shoot at a later time.

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