Sunday, August 14, 2011

Digitizing Photos The Right Way

By Alexis Hodge

When photograph lovers want a sensible way to preserve photographs electronically, they have to use the right methods for digitizing photos. For most people, this is an essential aspect of preserving these timeless mementos. After all, digital files can be expected to last far longer than paper images.

While it is true that the devices on which these digital images are housed can wear out or be damaged over time, a sensible archive strategy can yield many benefits. The key is to understand how to go about the task of backing up these photographs, and what to do with the storage devices when that task is complete.

The scanning

Everything begins with the scanning process. Most people will take care of these scans themselves, using whatever scanner they have at home. For large volumes of photographs, it may be helpful to have the scanning done by professionals. Whichever method is chosen, the user will want to obtain the best image he can with each scan.

This is key to any archive program. Get the best possible scan of every image in the collection. Though this will result in a larger image file that takes up more space on a storage drive, it will also result in an image that can be printed at larger sizes later one.

The storage

Once the scanning is completed, the image files must be archived on a digital storage device. Avoid the temptation to use DVDs or other media that can be easily scratched or otherwise damaged. It is better to choose a portable hard drive or external drive and place only these images on it.

It is also a good idea to purchase online storage as well, as a backup to the drive. Hang onto the original prints too and file them somewhere safe. When this method for digitizing photos is used properly, all of those invaluable photographs can be preserved for all time.

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