Monday, August 22, 2011

When Is The Best Time To Get An Amazing Looking 3D 4D Ultrasound?

By Jessica Westfield

Many parents really love the idea of being able to see what's going on with their baby while it is still in the womb. Nowadays, this process is easier than ever given the fact that ultrasound technology has advanced to the point where true three-dimensional imagery is available.

You may be wondering when might be the very best time to actually get this type of ultrasound performed. In a very general sense, most 4D ultrasound NJ facilities as well as 3D ultrasound NJ facilities recommend the 26 week to 28 week time frame. You will have the opportunity to witness remarkable things like your baby playing with its feet or possibly even yawning! You'll be amazed by just how clear the images will be.

You may be wondering if there is a problem that arises if the ultrasound is not administered between 26 and 32 weeks. You will definitely want to make an appointment with a nearby 4D ultrasound NJ facility or a 3D ultrasound NJ facility at your earliest convenience because a second window opens between the 29 week mark and a 32 week mark. Therefore, we are really talking about a window that spans from 26 weeks to 32 weeks.

What happens after 32 weeks have gone by? Your odds of getting a good image go down dramatically according to most 4D ultrasound NJ facilities as well as 3D ultrasound NJ facilities. While it's true that there are some exceptions to this rule, these types of results are not typical and you should not necessarily assume a great three-dimensional ultrasound images can be produced after 32 weeks.

Here's the bottom line: couples should really try to schedule an appointment with a 4D ultrasound NJ facility or a 3D ultrasound NJ facility sometime between the 26 week mark and the 32 week mark. The result can be obtained during this time frame are truly remarkable.

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