Monday, August 22, 2011

Want To Know How To Become A Model? Here Are Some First Steps!

By Jennifer Collins

What do you need to become a model? Lots of people think that in order to become a model you need to look like one of the "Victoria's Secret" girls. This is not the case. Often models and modeling agencies will inform you that having confidence, perseverance, and passion are the key to becoming a model. Having thick skin is also a bonus. Knowing your potential and believing in yourself is half the battle. Then, you will want to make a decision on what field of modeling would be the most suitable for you.

The opportunities to become a model are vast. Typically, when people think of models, they think of runway models or swimsuit models. Models are needed in every area you can imagine. Some are models for catalogues, promos, body parts and various other kinds of things. A good starting point would be to check out the different types of models and what the requirements are for each one. Typically they will have height and weight stipulations. Take note these are only guidelines, and may have a bit of leeway depending on the genre. Next, you will need to start building your portfolio.

Agencies will not expect you to have an extensive portfolio if you are just starting out. Typically, all you will need is at least one good clear head shot and a good full body shot with very flattering tasteful attire. This should be enough for the agency to see if they are interested in working with you. Once you begin getting jobs, you can then develop your portfolio, until the point that the two photos on your comp card are all you need. Always remember a legitimate agency will never require that you make a payment of upfront fees or dues. If this is the case, seek out a different agency.

Finding the right agency is important. There are plenty out there, and your job is to find the one that best suits your needs and you feel comfortable with. You should find the best agency that will help you to become a model. Take some time to look into the credentials of each agency you are thinking of contacting, and taper it down to two or three. Next, get an appointment with every one and go from there. You have your portfolio and self confidence, so you are ready. Make sure to interview the agency, and don't hesitate to ask questions and raise concerns.

Don't be afraid to interview the agency, and be sure to ask questions that are of importance to you. Be true to yourself, and they will respect that. It's so crucial to consider that almost anyone can be a model, yet not all modeling jobs is suited for everyone. This is where the thick skin comes into play. Try not to take it personally if you don't get selected for a job; there will be a project out there, and with persistance, you will get it.

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