Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Making Sure The Battery Of Your Digital Camera Lasts Longer

By Frank Woods

Digital cameras are so loaded with features that it can be challenging to keep your batteries alive. This could well be your biggest expense, but there are some things you can do to increase the length of time your batteries stay charged. Let's start with the three biggest sources of power drain.

The number one cause of power drain is the LCD screen. You won't need to use this feature all of the time, so why not turn it off when not in use? To save power, you'll want to use the camera viewfinder.

The second cause of power drain is the flash. Whenever you can, use natural lighting to take your photos and turn off the flash. Turn off the flash when you don't need it and save it for a time when you would definitely need this feature.

A third drain on your battery is constantly using your zoom. It takes more power zooming in and out than it does keeping your zoom at a steady place. This can be avoided by finding a comfort zone when taking photos and sticking with it.

Here are other quick tips to help you make your battery last longer:

Make sure Power Saving mode is on, or simply switch off your camera when you're not using it.

In cold weather, keep your camera and batteries warm in your jacket until you are ready to use them. This is because batteries drain faster in cold weather.

Keep your batteries in a place that is cool and dry with minimal exposure to heat and sunlight.

When you're not doing anything, resist the temptation to needlessly play back your images. For that matter, you may not want to rerun taken pictures on your camera - if you want to review them, then do so on your home PC after downloading the images from your camera, and be sure to decide quickly whether an image must be stored or deleted on the camera.

Take advantage of the AC adapter. Most digital cameras have an adapter that allows you to plug directly into a power point. If you don't plan on moving around a lot and are near an outlet, the AC adapter will increase the life of your batteries.

The need to buy batteries or recharge them is inevitable, but with the tips above you wouldn't need to worry about doing so as often as you normally do.

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