Saturday, August 27, 2011

The Truth About Modeling School

By Jennifer Collins

What do you need to do to become a model? That's a good question!

So, now you have decided that you want to become a model. What would your next step be?

Many people say for you to become a model, you need to go to a modeling school. There are a number of modeling schools out there but this is NOT a required step to becoming a model. Think about the reason for wanting to go to modeling school. This should be the first thing to do when looking for one.

A modeling school will take anyone who is interested in attending. If you have the money to pay, they will accept you, so note that when you join a modeling school you are not a model simply because you went to school. There are no real goals to make sure that all their students get signed to an agency as they claim. Many of them are in the business to take your money. The cost can be quite expensive, sometimes in the thousands of dollars. Some of the basic things that you will learn at a modeling school are how to apply makeup and do your hair, and how to walk like a model. These are all things that you can learn somewhere else for a lot less money!

Very few people believe that a modeling school will make you a model. A lot of modeling agencies, scouts, and working models have said that models do not need schooling. In fact, many modeling agencies would prefer that a model not come to them from a modeling school. Many models will also say to you that going to a school taught them very little. Talent scouts would rather have a fresh model, not someone who learned potentially bad habits from a school. They say many of the models coming from schools have preconceived ideas on how they need to be doing things.

The main things you will need to become a model are:

great self confidence desire & a great simple portfolio

These few things will get you farther on your path to being a model than any modeling school. All you need is a simple portfolio with two photos: a great head shot and a full body shot tastefully dressed. Your most valuable asset is your confidence, and that is something no school can teach you.

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