Monday, August 15, 2011

Digitizing Photos The Right Way

By Alexis Hodge

For people who have long been worried about maintaining those important personal photographs, there are a variety of methods for digitizing photos that can help to ensure that they are safe. Unlike paper photographs and negatives, images in digital form can last forever.

While it is true that the devices on which these digital images are housed can wear out or be damaged over time, a sensible archive strategy can yield many benefits. The key is to understand how to go about the task of backing up these photographs, and what to do with the storage devices when that task is complete.

A quality scan

Most people begin by scanning their old photographs into their computers. This can either be done with a home scanner performed by a professional copy service for a fee. For those who choose to do it themselves, it is important to remember that the better scanners will produce the best archival images.

Quality matters because these images may eventually be used to create a new print of a photograph. Though small image files require far less storage space to house, they also have far less resolution. That means that it is impossible to enlarge them sufficiently to obtain the quality print most users will demand.

Proper storage

Once the scanning is completed, the image files must be archived on a digital storage device. Avoid the temptation to use DVDs or other media that can be easily scratched or otherwise damaged. It is better to choose a portable hard drive or external drive and place only these images on it.

As a final form of protection, select a good online backup option and store the images there as well. Then put the original photographs in a safe location. Used correctly, this method for digitizing photos can help to ensure that none of those irreplaceable photographs are ever lost.

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