Sunday, August 28, 2011

Stretch Limousines: Where to find the best!

By Robert Manevski

When you are searching for a stretch limousine, that is those long, long cars or monsters that can have up to 8 wheels, 5000 watt stereo systems, bling bling 28 inch wheels and karaoke, smoke machines, making them virtual night clubs on wheels, then you'd be wise to start with talking with the operators by phone.

Get a general feel for who is going to be providing a pivotal service in your special day. Be it for a formal, debutante ball, prom (as called in the united states), hens party, bucks party, wedding or whatever. You'll not want it ruined by someone that doesn't turn up because they have chosen a high paying job and decided to send you a lesser vehicle.

Almost everyone asks about the price first, called a quote. Once they get a quote they base their decision to book with the limousine operator on this and decide to book 70% of the time based on this. 10% is based on word of mouth recommendations, another 10% on general feel for the company via the website and another 10% on actually coming to view the vehicle and the company in question.

Buyer beware of those companies that bad mouth others, saying that their lesser priced competitor has bad service history. Buyer beware of the operator that is too cheap, do your research and do go to the operators place of business and get a good feel for them. A great price or a price too low to be truth, may turn out to be a real bargain. The limousine industry in Melbourne, Australia in general is very competitive.

Good luck in your search for a stretch limousine! they are fun and can be very well priced compared to cabs or taxis.

Almost everyone asks about the price first, called a quote. Once they get a quote they base their decision to book with the limousine operator on this and decide to book 70% of the time based on this. 10% is based on word of mouth recommendations, another 10% on general feel for the company via the website and another 10% on actually coming to view the vehicle and the company in question.

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