Friday, August 26, 2011

Latest Tools And Upgrades In Adobe Elements 7

By David Peters

If you have been using Adobe software for a while you will probably agree with me when I say that each new version of Adobes software always contains something new and exciting. Unfortunately many people think that newer versions make the older versions obsolete. Fortunately they do not and you can continue to use any version of the software. Unfortunately if you don?t upgrade your version to a newer version you will undoubtedly be missing out on some of the newer features.

Adobe first created the Photoshop photo editing software and it soon became evident that it needed a ?lite? version for those who only wanted photo editing capabilities without the bells and whistles that accompany Photoshop. Because of this, Photoshop Elements was created so people can easily edit their photos without needing loads of training first.

Adobe has reworked Photoshop Elements a few times and have currently released version 7. Version 7 is without a doubt the most comprehensive update this program has undergone. The number of tools and features has increased tremendously and the programmers have included essentials to make it closely resemble the professional version of Photoshop. Now, when using Photoshop Elements, you are able to edit your photos just as if you had done it professionally with the Photoshop software.

Adobe Elements 7 is by the far the more user friendly version of all the previous versions of Elements. So what new things are in Elements 7 that are not found in the earlier versions of Elements? The following are some of the new features that you will find in Elements 7.

Included in Elements 7 is an organizer which allows you to label your images so you can easily sort and find them whenever you need them. This also enables you to be working on a variety of images simultaneously. Another new feature is the fix button. This feature gives you all of the most commonly used tools when you are editing an image. Some of the common tools you will use repeatedly include the smudge, blur and sharpen tool.

If you enjoy making personalized items you will especially enjoy the create panel which helps you create items such as calendars, slide-shows, etc. To use this feature you simply need to drag your image to the create panel and then decide on which project you would like to make. It is an incredible tool for making personalized gifts for friends and family.

For me the most impressive new feature in this new version of Adobe Elements is the share feature. As its name implies you can use this feature to share your photo album via the Internet and social networking programs such as My-space and Facebook. You can also easily share your photos via email or copy them to a DVD/CD.

I have only touched on a few of the incredible new features available in Elements 7. You can try it out for yourself; Adobe offers a free 30 day trial period on their website.

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