Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Learn Photoshop - Files And Formats In Photoshop

By David Peters

You might find yourself wondering what image file formats Photoshop will open or save in. What are the advantages or disadvantages of each?

Simply put, Photoshop has the ability to open and save a variety of graphic files. Let's take a look at the more popular ones.

One thing to remember is that when you open an image file other than a Photoshop one, the image will default to the background layer.

.psd, .pdd, .eps

This format saves the information in all the layers. This is the best format to use if you are going to perform further work on a picture, however the file size can be quite large. It is best to save your work in the most up to date Photoshop format existing. An example would be if you have Photoshop CS and are sent a Photoshop 7 file, you should save it as a Photoshop CS file to maintain any elements that may not be supported by Photoshop 7.

2) .jpg, .jpeg .jpe

This format compresses the images, so that information (details and colour subtleties) are lost. You can choose how much you want to compress the image. Good format for use on the web. Small file sizes. Millions of colours.

tif, .tiff

Most common in use with early scanners. This format will generate high quality images, but very large files. Not for use on the web.

4) .gif

This format is one of the most popular for web graphics as it loads quickly and has an 8 bit format (256 colors max.). It has potential for transparent color and animation.

5) .png

This is a new format for use on the web that is intended to replace both gif and jpeg with its ability to compress, have millions of colors, and support transparencies. It compresses differently from jpeg, and has advanced possibilities, such as alpha channel (opaque or partly transparent colors). The only problem is that Internet Explorer does not support this format. In 8 bit (256 colors) mode it compresses better than gif.

6) .bmp - Windows Bitmapped Image

Used by Microsoft Windows applications, this has good quality and a large file size. Not for use on the web.


Windows MetaFile. Useful for clipart, and can be used to make large area, small sized background files.


An older general purpose format that is virtually obsolete now. Also not for use on the web.

9) .psp

Internal format for Paint Shop Pro, useful if you want to swap files between these two applications.

10) .pcd

Kodak PhotoCD format, used with Photo Developing - although most photo processors will save your photos as jpegs if you ask them to.

11) .pdf

Adobe's file system that permits electronic cross platform sharing of documents.

Now the question: What is the best format for web graphics: gif or jpeg?

The general rule of thumb is to use gifs for diagrams, line drawings, illustrations, and images that contain large areas of flat colour, and jpegs for photographs and images with continuous colour tones. The jpeg format has a very good compression rate, but compression reduces the quality of the image, so it's best to experiment with the tools in Image Ready until you have the optimal quality/file size. The gif format, on the other hand, has a smaller file size - but a limited range of colours.

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