Monday, August 8, 2011

Why Use Professional Videographers

By Robert Manevski

Why do some videographers use lapel microphones?

A lapel microphone ensures professional audio. In professional film production (movies) the sound is recorded seperately on high quality sound recording equipment, whilst the video does not record audio. Whilst the lapel microphones are hooked to the cameras and recorded on the same media as the video, the lapel mic makes sure the sound is clear. On board camera sound will not be as focused and even when the operator is rather close to the subjects the audio will sound a fair distance away.

Most smaller or domestic video cameras do not offer a high contrast in colour when compared to their professional counterparts. The colour, clarity, and sharpness will be radically different.

Most smaller or domestic video cameras do not offer a high contrast in colour when compared to their professional counterparts. The colour, clarity, and sharpness will be radically different.

Why do some videographers use lapel microphones?

A lapel microphone ensures professional audio. In professional film production (movies) the sound is recorded seperately on high quality sound recording equipment, whilst the video does not record audio. Whilst the lapel microphones are hooked to the cameras and recorded on the same media as the video, the lapel mic makes sure the sound is clear. On board camera sound will not be as focused and even when the operator is rather close to the subjects the audio will sound a fair distance away.

A lapel microphone ensures professional audio. In professional film production (movies) the sound is recorded seperately on high quality sound recording equipment, whilst the video does not record audio. Whilst the lapel microphones are hooked to the cameras and recorded on the same media as the video, the lapel mic makes sure the sound is clear. On board camera sound will not be as focused and even when the operator is rather close to the subjects the audio will sound a fair distance away.

Having a videographer means that none of your guests have to work all day, and you don't risk having any random nose dives to the floor.

Lapel microphones mean that even at 20m or more away What is the Apra/Amcos licence some of the providers have mentioned?

A synchronization is when you add video to any copyright protected music.

A synchronization is when you add video to any copyright protected music.

In film production any pre recorded audio that we do not own is copyright protected. If you have music at your ceremony or reception you can be assured this is copyright protected. To film anything at all that has even a hint of commercial music in the background is illegal under Australian and international copyright laws as it is an unauthorised recording or duplication of the audio. For this reason there is an Apra licence that wedding videographers need to have to a) be able to record your wedding, and b) to create synchronizations.

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